Wednesday 27 April 2011


I watched many of the speeches made today by politicians from both party, and I was shocked at how ungracious the opposition parties supporters are. I have always wanted to view opposition party supporters as logical, rational people that choose to adopt a certain view. But recent videos have just shown how immature and ungracious the opposition supporters at rallies are.

There is nothing wrong with holding a different point of view and I am fully aware of that. You may not like whoever is on stage, but to boo and jeer? I am open to discourse and well reasoned arguments, but to chant "Kate Spade or YOG" while others are speaking? It changes nothing at all, yet it reflects badly on your upbringing.

Have our parents and schools not taught us manners? Are we civilized and educated people? In chinese, we call these people (没有修养), people who lack manners and graciousness.

The opposition has some great MPs this year, but they really do not deserve these kind of unruly supporters.

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